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    2014.11.27 05:10


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    前へ1 2 次へ 2014.11.27 05:10


    Tweet (2/2ページ)【どうなる日韓関係】



    ◇  【ナチス戦争犯罪と日本帝国政府の記録の各省庁作業班(IWG)】 クリントン政権時代に成立した「1998年ナチス戦争犯罪開示法」と「2000年日本帝国政府開示法」に基づき、第2次大戦での日独両国の戦争犯罪の情報開示を徹底させる目的で00年に始まった調査。国防総省、国務省、中央情報局(CIA)、連邦捜査局(FBI)などに未公開の公式文書を点検し戦争犯罪に関する資料の公開を指示した。

    前へ 1 2 次へ関連ニュース


    (岡山学芸館高・清秀中学園長 森靖喜) 2016.1.3 11:00




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    「侵略戦争」は連合国の宣伝、日本は植民地アジアを解放した…元NYタイムズ・ストークス氏に学ぶ(岡山学芸館高・清秀中学園長 森靖喜)

    Tweet (2/4ページ) 元ニューヨークタイムズ東京支局長のヘンリー・ストークス氏





    「侵略戦争」は連合国の宣伝、日本は植民地アジアを解放した…元NYタイムズ・ストークス氏に学ぶ(岡山学芸館高・清秀中学園長 森靖喜)

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    前へ 2016.1.3 11:00

    【回顧・現代を問う(7)】 「侵略戦争」は連合国の宣伝、日本は植民地アジアを解放した…元NYタイムズ・ストークス氏に学ぶ(岡山学芸館高・清秀中学園長 森靖喜)

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        ◇  森靖喜(もり・やすき) 昭和16年、岡山市生まれ。明治大学大学院卒業後、43年から金山学園(現・岡山学芸館高校)の教諭、岡山市教育委員長などを歴任。現在は岡山県私学協会長、学校法人・森教育学園理事長、岡山学芸館高校・清秀中学校学園長、教育再生をすすめる全国連絡協議会世話人。専門は政治学。

    朝日の慰安婦捏造問題を世界に発信するため、 かなり正確に伝えている英語での解説記事

    << 作成日時 : 2014/09/17 23:35 ブログ気持玉 0 / トラックバック 0 / コメント 0

    546 :名無しさん@0新周年@転載は禁止:2014/09/16(火) 21:45:03.69 ID:haGQZXNu0

    朝日の慰安婦捏造問題を世界に発信するため、 かなり正確に伝えている英語での解説記事を見つけました。 拡散をお願いします。

    Asahi Shinbun Fabricated the story of “Korean Sex Slaves”
    Jonny Skywalke
    Asahi Shinbun Fabricated the story of “Korean Sex Slaves”
    Jonny Skywalke

    Jonny Skywalker

    Monday, September 15, 2014

    Reveal of the Structure of how Asahi Shinbun Fabricated the story of “Korean Sex Slaves” and Propagated to the World and the Vast Implication of This Reveal

    1. Reveal of Asahi Shinbun’s Fabrication of the Story of “Korean Sex Slaves”

    On August 5, 2014 Asahi Shinbun, the second largest liberal newspaper in Japan, announced that its articles that reported atrocities of Japanese military hunting over 2,000 Korean women and forcing them to work as sex slaves were fabricated stories, and apologized and retracted all 16 related articles that were published in the 80s and 90s.

    This incidence is another example of the rise of public opinion that is empowered by the internet that enabled rigorous scrutiny of facts. It is now very difficult for the mass media to fabricate false story and create misperception.

    The implication of the reveal of this fabrication extends to the credibility of U.S. media, especially the New York Times, some U.S. politicians that have been excessively compliant to their local Korean constituents, United Nations Commission on Human Rights that filed Coomaraswamy report which was based partly on false facts, Korean diplomacy and Japanese diplomacy in general. These parties have neglected, on various extents, the simple principle ? to be fact based.

    2. The Reveal of the Structure of how Fabricated Story Became De Facto International Perception

    The allegation that Japanese military forced Korean women to work as a sex slave during World War II started to become an international issue since the 80s. The structure of how Asahi Shinbun fabricated the story of “Korean Sex Slaves” and propagated to the world to make it an international issue is now revealed:

    First, there is Asahi’s ideology that shapes their view to be pro-communist China and pro- North and South Korea.

    Based on this ideology, Asahi has been fabricating articles (with the obvious intention it is not simple misreporting). Asahi will then persuade the New York Times (which its Tokyo bureau is located inside the Asahi Shinbun’s headquarters) to report the story in the U.S. Then Asahi will report back in Japan that the global media NYT is reporting a story that is now a global issue. Asahi will also persuade Korean media to report in Korea. The fabricated story will be amplified throughout this structure bouncing back and force among Asahi, NYT, South Korean media. Eventually, U.S. politicians, international organization such as UNHCR, Korean and Japanese diplomacy will be dragged into the structure of amplification.

    3. The Breach of the Amplification Structure The acknowledgement by Asahi that the basis of its allegation was false directly hits the fundamental basis of the entire amplification structure. Although too much amplification had already been made, it is significant that the basis is destroyed. On September 14, 2014, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe noted that Asahi Shinbun should do its best to explain to the world ? to unwind the amplification.

    The incident highlights the rise of public voice empowered by the internet that increased public’s ability to cross examine facts. Asahi was pushed to admit their mistake after over 30 years of denial (despite the repeated suggestion on the inaccuracy of the articles), because the public now have access to more reliable facts. Mass media such as Asahi Shinbun that fabricate story to justify their ideology rather than to report factual news will be eventually be scrutinized.

    4. Implication to the U.S. Media, Politicians, UN committees, and Japanese Diplomacy

    U.S. media:

    U.S. media that were intentionally or unintentionally involved in the amplification structure should re-examine the fact and its own reporting. Admitting the errors in the past reports would be necessary, especially the New York Times. Fact based reporting is required rather than reporting what some loud voice is claiming.

    U.S. Politicians that is involved in setting up monuments in the U.S. based on fabricated story:

    While getting the vote of Korean constituents must be attractive, U.S. politicians should stay away from such activity that is based on false story as true molarity will be eventually examined.

    United Nations Commission on Human Rights:

    U.N. reports that are based on false allegation should be retracted or corrected.

    Korean diplomacy:

    Koreans should stop using the story of “sex slaves” to try to keep the moral upper hand against Japan as the facts will eventually fire back as evidenced in the recent loss of interest to Korea in Japan.

    Japanese diplomacy:

    Japanese diplomacy has been incapable and allowed defamation of Japanese citizens by Asahi Shinbun and the amplification structure. Here again, the past action by the government was not fact based. For example Japanese chief cabinet secretary Yohei Kono made a statement, without facts, that Koran women were forced to become comfort women (sex slaves) .Diplomacy has to be fact based as well.

    5. End note

    The structure of creating and amplifying fabricated story is now breached. Asahi decided to admit this and other fabrications, including false reporting regarding the evacuation of workers at Fukushima Nuclear power plant and false interview reporting on a Japanese manufacturing company. Fabricated reporting will be eventually criticised in this era and mass media should revert to the principle of fact based reporting rather than focusing on spreading its ideology.

    Posted by Jonny Skywalker at 9:19 AM

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    1. 「韓国のSex Slaves"」のストーリーの朝日新聞のFabricationの顕現


    This発生率は、事実の厳しい詳細な調査を可能にしたインターネットで公的な権限を与えられる世論の高まりのもう一つの例です。 マスメディアが虚偽の話をでっち上げて、誤認をつくることは現在非常に難しいです。米国のメディア、特にニューヨークタイムズ、彼らの地元の韓国の有権者に極端に素直だった一部の米国の政治家、部分的に間違った事実に基づいたクマーラスワーミー報告を送ったHumanライツの国連委員会、韓国の外交と大方の日本の外交の信憑性に、この作り事の顕現のThe意味は及びます。 これらの党は、いろいろな範囲の上で、単純な主義を怠りました?事実based.である

    2. でっち上げられた物語がどのように事実上の国際的なPerceptionになったかという構造の顕現

    日本の軍隊が韓国の女性に第二次世界大戦の間の性の奴隷として働くことを強制したという申し立ては、80sから国際問題になり始めました。 朝日新聞がどのように「韓国のSex Slaves」の物語をでっち上げて、国際問題にするために世界に広がったかという構造が、現在明らかにされます:





    朝日は、韓国で報告するよう韓国のメディアも説得します。 でっち上げられた物語は、立ち直っているこの構造と力を通して朝日、NYT、韓国のメディアの間で拡大されます。 結局、米国の政治家、国際組織(例えばUNHCR)、韓国人と日本の外交は、拡大の構造に引きずり込まれます。

    3. 拡大構造の違反

    その申し立ての基礎が直接間違っていた朝日による承認は、全拡大構造の基本的な基礎を打ちます。 あまりにたくさんの拡大がすでになされたが、基礎が破壊されることは重要です。 2014年9月14日に、日本の安倍晋三首相が朝日新聞が世界に説明する最善を尽くさなければならない点に注意したことを?amplification.をほどく

    一般の声の高まりが交差する市民の能力を増やしたインターネットで公的な権限を与えた事件ハイライトは、事実を調べます。 市民が現在より信頼できる事実にアクセスするので、朝日は30年以上の否定(記事の不正確の上の度重なる提案にもかかわらず)の後彼らの間違いを認めるために押されました。 結局、事実のニュース意志がscrutinized.であることであると報告するよりはむしろ、彼らのイデオロギーを正当化するために物語をでっち上げる朝日新聞のようなマスメディア

    米国メディア、政治家、国連委員会と日本のDiplomacyへの含み 米国のメディア:

    拡大構造に故意に、または、意図せずに関係していた米国のメディアは、事実とそれ自身の報道を再検査しなければなりません。 エラーを過去のレポートに入れることが、必要です(特にニューヨークタイムズ)。 事実ベースの報道は、若干の大声が要求しているものを報告しているよりはむしろ、必要とされます。








    日本の外交は無能で、朝日新聞と拡大構造で日本の市民の中傷を許しました。 ここでは二度と、政府による過去の行動は、拠点を置く事実でありませんでした。 たとえば、事実(女性がそうであったコーランは.Diplomacyが同様に拠点を置く事実であるために持っている従軍慰安婦(性の奴隷)になることを強制しました)なしで、日本の官房長官河野洋平は、声明をしました。

    5. 終わりnote

    でっち上げられた物語をつくって、拡大する構造は、現在破られます。 朝日はこれと他の作り事を認めることに決めました。そして、日本の製造会社を報道している福島Nuclear発電所と虚偽のインタビューで労働者の避難に関して虚偽の報道を含みました。 結局、作られた報道はこの時代に批判されます、そして、マスメディアはそのideology.を広げることに集中するよりはむしろ、報告して拠点を置く事実の原則に戻らなければなりません



    BlogThis! さえずる割当 フェイスブックへの割当 Pinterestへの割当 コメントでない:












    (週刊FLASH 9月11日号)

    devilmanX bot ?@devilmanX1 59分 従軍慰安婦



    煽った青柳敦子 ウソと断言 済州新聞

    なのに拡散 朝日の植村隆と福島瑞穂





    1時間 【拡散希望】【永久保存版】尖閣諸島、南京大虐殺・従軍慰安婦 英語チラシ→


    尖閣諸島、南京大虐殺・従軍慰安婦 英語チラシ 英語チラシ


    Report No. 49: Japanese Prisoners of War Interrogation on Prostitution従軍慰安婦に関する米軍調査報告:戦場売春婦の実態調査結果ビルマ Report No. 49:

    Japanese Prisoners of War Interrogation on Prostitution



    Psychological Warfare Team

    Attached to

    U.S. Army Forces

    India-Burma Theater APO 689

    Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation

    Report No. 49.

    Place interrogated: Ledo Stockade

    Date Interrogated: Aug. 20 - Sept. 10, 1944 Date of Report: October 1, 1944

    By: T/3 Alex Yorichi

    Prisoners: 20 Korean Comfort Girls

    Date of Capture: August 10, 1944 Date of Arrival: August 15, 1994 at Stockade


    This report is based on the information obtained from the interrogation of twenty Korean "comfort girls" and two Japanese civilians captured around the tenth of August, 1944 in the mopping up operations after the fall of Myitkyin a in Burma.

    The report shows how the Japanese recruited these Korean "comfort girls", the conditions under which they lived and worked, their relations with and reaction to the Japanese soldier, and their understanding of the military situation.

    A "comfort girl" is nothing more than a prostitute or "professional camp follower" attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers.

    The word "comfort girl" is peculiar to the Japanese. Other reports show the "comfort girls" have been found wherever it was necessary for the Japanese Army to fight. This report however deals only with the Korean "comfort girls" recruited by the Japanese and attached to their Army in Burma. The Japanese are reported to have shipped some 703 of these girls to Burma in 1942.


    Early in May of 1942 Japanese agents arrived in Korea for the purpose of enlisting Korean girls for "comfort service" in newly conquered Japanese territories in Southeast Asia. The nature of this "service" was not specified but it was assumed to be work connected with visiting the wounded in hospitals, rolling bandages, and generally making the soldiers happy.

    The inducement used by these agents was plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off the family debts, easy work, and the prospect of a new life in a new land, Singapore. On the basis of these false representations many girls enlisted for overseas duty and were rewarded with an advance of a few hundred yen.

    The majority of the girls were ignorant and uneducated, although a few had been connected with "oldest profession on earth" before. The contract they signed bound them to Army regulations and to war for the "house master " for a period of from six months to a year depending on the family debt for which they were advanced ...

    Approximately 800 of these girls were recruited in this manner and they landed with their Japanese "house master " at Rangoon around August 20th, 1942. They came in groups of from eight to twenty-two. From here they were distributed to various parts of Burma, usually to fair sized towns near Japanese Army camps.

    Eventually four of these units reached the Myitkyina. They were, Kyoei, Kinsui, Bakushinro, and Momoya. The Kyoei house was called the "Maruyama Club", but was changed when the girls reached Myitkyina as Col.Maruyama, commander of the garrison at Myitkyina, objected to the similarity to his name.


    The interrogations show the average Korean "comfort girl" to be about twenty-five years old, uneducated, childish, and selfish. She is not pretty either by Japanese of Caucasian standards.

    She is inclined to be egotistical and likes to talk about herself. Her attitude in front of strangers is quiet and demure, but she "knows the wiles of a woman."

    She claims to dislike her "profession" and would rather not talk either about it or her family. Because of the kind treatment she received as a prisoner from American soldiers at Myitkyina and Ledo, she feels that they are more emotional than Japanese soldiers. She is afraid of Chinese and Indian troops.


    In Myitkyina the girls were usually quartered in a large two story house (usually a school building) with a separate room for each girl. There each girl lived, slept, and transacted business. In Myitkina their food was prepared by and purchased from the "house master" as they received no regular ration from the Japanese Army.

    They lived in near-luxury in Burma in comparison to other places. This was especially true of their second year in Burma. They lived well because their food and material was not heavily rationed and they had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigarettes, and cosmetics to supplement the many gifts given to them by soldiers who had received "comfort bags" from home.

    While in Burma they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners. They had a phonograph and in the towns they were allowed to go shopping.


    The conditions under which they transacted business were regulated by the Army, and in congested areas regulations were strictly enforced. The Army found it necessary in congested areas to install a system of prices, priorities, and schedules for the various units operating in a particular areas. According to interrogations the average system was as follows:

    1. Soldiers

    10 AM to 5 PM

    1.50 yen

    20 to 30 minutes

    2. NCOs

    5 PM to 9 PM

    3.00 yen

    30 to 40 minutes

    3. Officers

    9 PM to 12 PM

    5.00 yen

    30 to 40 minutes

    These were average prices in Central Burma. Officers were allowed to stay overnight for twenty yen. In Myitkyina Col. Maruyama slashed the prices to almost one-half of the average price.


    The soldiers often complained about congestion in the houses. In many situations they were not served and had to leave as the army was very strict about overstaying. In order to overcome this problem the Army set aside certain days for certain units.

    Usually two men from the unit for the day were stationed at the house to identify soldiers. A roving MP was also on hand to keep order. Following is the schedule used by the "Kyoei" house for the various units of the 18th Division while at Naymyo.


    18th Div. Hdqs. Staff






    Day off and weekly physical exam.




    Mountain artillery



    Officers were allowed to come seven nights a week. The girls complained that even with the schedule congestion was so great that they could not care for all guests, thus causing ill feeling among many of the soldiers.

    Soldiers would come to the house, pay the price and get tickets of cardboard about two inches square with the prior on the left side and the name of the house on the other side.

    Each soldier's identity or rank was then established after which he "took his turn in line". The girls were allowed the prerogative of refusing a customer. This was often done if the person were too drunk.


    The "house master" received fifty to sixty per cent of the girls' gross earnings depending on how much of a debt each girl had incurred when she signed her contract.

    This meant that in an average month a girl would gross about fifteen hundred yen. She turned over seven hundred and fifty to the "master". Many "masters" made life very difficult for the girls by charging them high prices for food and other articles.

    In the latter part of 1943 the Army issued orders that certain girls who had paid their debt could return home. Some of the girls were thus allowed to return to Korea.

    The interrogations further show that the health of these girls was good. They were well supplied with all types of contraceptives, and often soldiers would bring their own which had been supplied by the army.

    They were well trained in looking after both themselves and customers in the matter of hygiene. A regular Japanese Army doctor visited the houses once a week and any girl found diseased was given treatment, secluded, and eventually sent to a hospital. This same procedure was carried on within the ranks of the Army itself, but it is interesting to note that a soldier did not lose pay during the period he was confined.


    In their relations with the Japanese officers and men only two names of any consequence came out of interrogations. They were those of Col. Maruyama, commander of the garrison at Myitkyina and Maj. Gen.Mizukami, who brought in reinforcements. The two were exact opposites.

    The former was hard, selfish and repulsive with no consideration for his men; the latter a good, kind man and a fine soldier, with the utmost consideration for those who worked under him. The Colonel was a constant habitue of the houses while the General was never known to have visited them. With the fall of Myitkyina, Col. Maruyama supposedly deserted while Gen. Mizukami committed suicide because he could not evacuate the men.


    The average Japanese soldier is embarrassed about being seen in a "comfort house" according to one of the girls who said, "when the place is packed he is apt to be ashamed if he has to wait in line for his turn". However there were numerous instances of proposals of marriage and in certain cases marriages actually took place.

    All the girls agreed that the worst officers and men who came to see them were those who were drunk and leaving for the front the following day. But all likewise agreed that even though very drunk the Japanese soldier never discussed military matters or secrets with them.

    Though the girls might start the conversation about some military matter the officer or enlisted man would not talk, but would in fact "scold us for discussing such un-lady like subjects. Even Col. Maruyama when drunk would never discuss such matters."

    The soldiers would often express how much they enjoyed receiving magazines, letters and newspapers from home. They also mentioned the receipt of "comfort bags" filled with canned goods, magazines, soap, handkerchiefs, toothbrush, miniature doll, lipstick, and wooden clothes. The lipstick and cloths were feminine and the girls couldn't understand why the people at home were sending such articles. They speculated that the sender could only have had themselves or the "native girls".


    "In the initial attack on Myitleyna and the airstrip about two hundred Japanese died in battle, leaving about two hundred to defend the town. Ammunition was very low.

    "Col. Maruyama dispersed his men. During the following days the enemy were shooting haphazardly everywhere. It was a waste since they didn't seem to aim at any particular thing. The Japanese soldiers on the other hand had orders to fire one shot at a time and only when they were sure of a hit."

    Before the enemy attacked on the west airstrip, soldiers stationed around Myitkyina were dispatched elsewhere, to storm the Allied attack in the North and West. About four hundred men were left behind, largely from the 114th Regiment. Evidently Col. Maruyama did not expect the town to be attacked. Later Maj. Gen. Mizukami of the 56th Division brought in reinforcements of more than two regiments but these were unable to hold the town.

    It was the consensus among the girls that Allied bombings were intense and frightening and because of them they spent most of their last days in foxholes. One or two even carried on work there. The comfort houses were bombed and several of the girls were wounded and killed.


    The story of the retreat and final capture of the "comfort girls" is somewhat vague and confused in their own minds. From various reports it appears that the following occurred: on the night of July 31st a party of sixty three people including the "comfort girls" of three houses (Bakushinro was merged with Kinsui), families, and helpers, started across the Irrawaddy River in small boats.

    They eventually landed somewhere near Waingmaw, They stayed there until August 4th, but never entered Waingmaw. From there they followed in the path of a group of soldiers until August 7th when there was a skirmish with the enemy and the party split up. The girls were ordered to follow the soldiers after three-hour interval. They did this only to find themselves on the bank of a river with no sign of the soldiers or any mea ns of crossing. They remained in a nearby house until August 10th when they were captured by Kaahin soldiers led by an English officer. They were taken to Myitleyina and then to the Ledo stockade where the interrogation which form the basis of this report took place.


    None of the girls appeared to have heard the loudspeaker used at Myitkyina but very did overhear the soldiers mention a "radio broadcast."

    They asked that leaflets telling of the capture of the "comfort girls" should not be used for it would endanger the lives of other girls if the Army knew of their capture. They did think it would be a good idea to utilize the fact of their capture in any droppings planned for Korea.


    。 レポートNo.49:



    戦争情報の職 心理戦争チーム

    付随されます 米陸軍軍隊


    APO 689

    日本の囚人 戦争Interrogationの No.49を報告してください。

    調べられる場所: Ledo柵

    調べられる日付: 8月20日−1944年9月10日 レポートの日付: 1944年10月1日

    署名: T/3つのアレックスYorichi 囚人: 20人の韓国の快適さの女の子

    捕獲の日付: 1944年8月10日 到着の日付: 1994年8月15日





    「快適さの女の子」は、兵士のために日本軍に付けられる売春婦または「プロの同調者」以外の何物でもありません。 「快適さの女の子」という語は、日本人に特有です。 他のレポートは、日本軍が戦うことが必要だった場合はいつでも、「快適さの女の子」が見つかったことを示します。 しかし、日本人によって入れられて、ビルマで彼らの軍に勤務している韓国の「快適さの女の子」だけを、このレポートは、扱います。 日本人は、1942年にビルマにこれらの女の子の約703人を出荷したことが報告されます。


    1942年5月の初めに、東南アジアの新しく征服された日本の領土で韓国の女の子を「快適さサービス」に参加させる目的で、日本のエージェントは、韓国に到着しました。 この「サービス」の性質は指定されませんでした、しかし、病院で負傷者を訪ねて、包帯を転がして、一般に兵士を幸せにすることと関係がある仕事であると、それはされました。 これらのエージェントにより使用される誘因は、多くのお金、家族の負債を清算する機会、簡単な仕事と新しい土地(シンガポール)での新生活の見込みでした。 これらの虚偽の説明に基づいて、多くの女の子は海外勤務のために入隊して、数百円の前払いで報いられました。

    2、3が前に「地球上の最も古い職業」と関係があったが、大部分の女の子は無知で無教育でした。 昇進した家族の負債に従い6ヵ月から1年まで彼らを軍規に、そして、「住宅マスター」のための戦争に密接に結びついて、彼らがサインした契約 ...

    これらの女の子のおよそ800人はこのように入れられました、そして、彼らは1942年8月20日のまわりをラングーンに日本の「住宅主人」と着地しました。 彼らは、8から22までグループの中に来ました。 ここから、彼らはビルマのいろいろな地域に、通常日本の軍キャンプの近くの公平な大きさの町に配布されました。

    結局、これらの単位の4つは、Myitkyinaに着きました。 彼らはそうでした、キョーエイ、キンスイ、Bakushinroと桃屋。 キョーエイ・ハウスは「丸山クラブ」と呼ばれていたが、Col.Maruyama(Myitkyinaの駐屯軍の指揮官)が彼の名前に類似性に反対したので女の子がMyitkyinaに着いたとき変わりました。


    およそ25年年をとっていて、無教育で、子供っぽくて、利己的であることを、質問は平均的な韓国の「快適さの女の子」が示します。 彼女は、かなりコーカサスの標準の日本人によるどちらでもありません。 彼女はegotisticalにしたいと思って、彼女自身について話すのが好きです。 知らない人の前の彼女の態度は静かで控え目です、しかし、彼女は「女性の策略を知ります」。

    彼女は、「職業」を嫌って、それまたは彼女の家族について話したくないと主張します。 彼女がMyitkyinaとLedoのアメリカの兵士からの囚人と認めた親切な処置のため、彼女は、彼らが日本兵より感情的であるのを感じます。 彼女は、中国でインド軍隊が怖いです。




    そこで、各々の女の子は生きて、眠って、ビジネスを行いました。 彼らが日本軍から規則的な割当てを受け取らなかったので、Myitkinaに、彼らの食物は備えられて、「住宅マスター」から購入されました。

    彼らは、他の場所に比較的にビルマで近い贅沢で生きました。 これは、特にビルマで彼らの2年めにとって真実でした。 食物と材料がかなり配給されなかったので、彼らは贅沢に暮らしました、そして、彼らは望ましい記事を獲得する多くのお金を持っていました。


    ビルマである間、彼らは両方の将兵とスポーツ大会に参加して楽しんで、ピクニック、エンターテイメントと社交夕食会に出席しました。 彼らはレコードプレーヤーを持っていました、そして、町で、彼らは買い物をしに行ってもよかったです。

    先のシステム; 彼らがビジネスを行った状況は軍によって管理されました、そして、混雑した地域で、規則は厳しく実施されました。 軍は、特定地域で動いているいろいろな単位の価格、プライオリティーとスケジュールのシステムをインストールすることを混雑した地域で必要であると認めました。


    1. 兵士




    2. NCO




    3. 役員




    これらは、中部ビルマの平均価格でした。 役員は、20円で一晩いてもよかったです。 Myitkyinaコロラドでは、丸山は平均価格のほぼ2分の1に、価格を大幅削減しました。


    兵士は、家で混雑についてしばしば不満を言いました。 軍が長居することに非常に厳格だったので、多くの状況では、彼らは仕えられないで、去らなければなりませんでした。 この問題を解決するために、軍は特定の単位に備えて特定の日を残しました。 通常、日の間の単位からの2人の男性は、兵士を特定するために、家に配置されました。 移動憲兵も、秩序を保つために、近くにいました。 Naymyoである間、あとに続くことは第18の部のいろいろな単位のために「キョーエイ」家によって使われる予定です。


    第18のDiv.。 Hdqs。 スタッフ













    役員は、1週につき7つの夜来てもよかったです。 予定でさえ、混雑が彼らがすべての客を気にかけることができるというわけではなかったように大きかったと、女の子は不平を言いました。このように、兵士の多くの間で悪い感覚を引き起こしました。

    兵士は家に来て、価格を払って、左側と向こう側の家の名前でボール紙のチケットを先のものとおよそ2インチ直角にします。 それから、彼が「線の彼の曲がり目をとった」各々の兵士のアイデンティティまたはランクは、確立されました。 女の子は、顧客を拒否することの特権を与えられました。 人があまりに酔っているならば、これはしばしばされました。




    彼女は、750を「マスター」に引き渡しました。 食物と他の記事のために高値を彼らに請求することによって、多くの「マスター」は、生命を女の子にとって非常に難しくしました。 1943の後半に、軍は、彼らの負債を払った特定の女の子が帰ることができたという命令を出しました。 女の子の何人かは、このように、韓国に帰国してもよかったです。



    衛生に関して彼ら自身と顧客の世話をする際に、彼らはよく訓練されました。 普通の日本の軍医は週に一度家を訪問しました、そして、病気にかかる所を発見されるどんな女の子でも処置をされて、隔離していて、結局病院に行かせられました。 この同じ処置は軍自体の集団の中で続けられました、それ以外の、兵士が彼がそうであった期間の間に賃金を失わなかったメモに興味を起こさせることは限られます


    日本の将兵との彼らの関係で、どんな結果のでも2つの名前だけは、質問から出てきました。 彼らはコロラド丸山(MyitkyinaとGen.Mizukami少佐の駐屯軍の指揮官)の人々でした。そして、その人は増援を持ち込みました。 2つは、正反対でした。

    前者は、彼の部下に対する思いやりなしで難しくて、利己的で、不快でした; 後者はそれらの最大の考慮による利益(親切な男性と立派な兵士)です。そして、彼の下で働きました。 将軍が彼らを訪ねたということは決して知られない間、大佐は家の忠実な常連でした。 Myitkyina年の秋で、彼が男を避難させることができなかったのでミズカミ将軍が自殺する間、コロラド丸山はおそらく義務を放棄しました。


    言った女の子(「場所が詰めかけられるとき、一列にターンを待たなければならないならば、彼は恥じていやすいです」)の1人によると「快適さハウス」で見られることについて、平均的な日本兵はとまどいます。 しかし、結婚の申し込みの多数の例がありました、そして、特定のケースでは、結婚は実際に起こりました

    。 彼らに会いに来た最悪の将兵が酔っぱらっていて、次の日正面のために去ろうとしていた人々であることに、すべての女の子は同意しました。 しかし、たとえ非常に酔っているとしても、日本兵が軍の問題または秘密を彼らと決して協議しなかったことに、すべては同様に同意しました。 女の子が多少の軍の物質について会話を始めるかもしれないけれども、役員または下士官兵は話さないで、実際「主題のようなそのような非女性を議論するために、我々を叱ります」。


    彼らがどんなに家から雑誌、手紙と新聞を受け取って楽しんだかについて、兵士はしばしば表します。 彼らも、カン詰商品、雑誌、石鹸、ハンカチーフ、歯ブラシ、ミニチュア人形、口紅と木の服で満たされる「快適さバッグ」(慰問袋)の受領に言及しました。 口紅と布は女性的でした、そして、女の子は自宅の人々がなぜそのような記事を送っているかについて、理解することができませんでした。 彼らは、送り主には彼ら自身または「現地の女の子」がいることができるだけだったと推測しました。


    「Myitleynaと滑走路への最初の攻撃において、およそ200人の日本人は戦死しました。そして、およそ200に町を守るのを任せました。 弾薬は、非常に低かったです。

    「コロラド丸山は、彼の部下を分散させました。 次の日の間に、敵は至る所で無計画に撃っていました。 彼らが少しの特定のものも狙うようでなかった時から、それは無駄でした。 一度に撃たれる火事1に、そして、彼らがヒットに自信があった時だけ、日本兵には注文が他方ありました。」 敵が西の滑走路で攻撃する前に、北部と西側で連合国の攻撃に突撃するために、Myitkyinaのまわりに配置される兵士はどこかほかに送られました。 主に第114のRegimentから、およそ400人の男性は取り残されました。 明らかに、コロラド丸山は、町が攻撃されると思っていませんでした。 第56の部の後のミズカミ少将は2つ以上の連隊の強化を持ち込みました、しかし、これらは町を占拠することができませんでした。

    連合国の爆破が激しくてこわがらせたことは女の子の間のコンセンサスでした、そして、彼らのため、彼らは大部分の最後の時代を蛸壷に費やしました。 1または2は、作業さえそこで続けました。 快適さハウスは爆破されました、そして、女の子の何人かが傷ついて、死にました。


    退却の物語と「快適さの女の子」の最終的な逮捕は、彼ら自身の心でいくぶん漠然としていて、混乱しています。 いろいろなレポートから、以下が起こったように見えます: 7月31日の夜に、3つの家(Bakushinroはキンスイに合併されました)(家族とヘルパー)の「快適さの女の子」を含む63人の一行は、小型ボートでイラワジ川の全域で始まりました。

    結局、彼らはWaingmawの近くにどこかに着地しました。そして、Theyが決して入れられるWaingmawでなく、8月4日までそこで過ごされました。 敵との衝突があった、そして、党が分割されたとき、そこから、彼らは8月7日まで一団の兵士の行く手であとに続きました。

    女の子は、3時間の間隔の後兵士の後を追うよう命令されました。 兵士の痕跡または交差するどんなmea nsなしででも彼ら自身を川の岸で発見するだけであるために、彼らはこうしました。 英国の役員によってリードされるKaahin兵士によって捕らえられたとき、彼らは8月10日まで近くの家に残りました。 Myitleyinaに、そして、このレポートの基礎を作る質問が起こったLedo柵に、彼らは連れて行かれました。



    軍が彼らの捕獲を知っているならば、「快適さ」の捕獲の、「女の子」がそれのために使われてはならないとわかっているリーフレットが他の女の子の命を危険にさらすだろうことを、彼らは尋ねました。 韓国のために計画されるどんな糞ででも捕獲の事実を利用することが良い考えであると、彼らは思いました。

    陸 軍 給料 単位円    月額  昭和18年
    大将 550 中将 483 少将 416

    大佐 370 中佐 310 少佐 220

    大尉 155 中尉 94 少尉 70

    准尉 110 曹長 75 軍曹 30

    伍長 20

    兵長 13 上等兵 10 一等兵 9 二等兵 6

    ○「文玉珠さん」という(自称)従軍慰安婦女性は、平成4年に日本の郵便局を訪れ 2万6145円(当時の金額)の預金返還の訴訟を起こしています。

    「文玉珠さん」という(自称)従軍慰安婦女性は、平成4年に日本の郵便局を訪れ 2万6145円(当時の金額)の預金返還の訴訟を起こしています

    千円もあれば故郷の大邱に小さな家が一軒買えると体験記で述べていますが 現在の価値なら、4000万〜5000万円程度の金額を 彼女が慰安婦であった約3年間で貯めていたことが分かります。


    "慰安婦 至急 大募集・・給料は月収最低300円、3000円まで前借可能"(原文のママ)



    ○朝鮮人の人身売買組織が、誘拐した少女を中国人に売り飛ばしていた為、 日本政府によって検挙されたことを報じる記事 (1933年6月30日付 東亜日報)






    Nazi War Crimes &

    Japanese Imperial Government Records

    Interagency Working Group

    Final Report to the United States Congress April 2007

    ナチスの戦争犯罪 &



    米国議会への最終報告 2007 年 4 月


    3. 法律の背景 27/156

    3. 法律の背景 27/156

    3. 法律の背景 27/156

    4. IWGとその機能の概要41/156

    6. 調査結果大成功と政策提言 93/156
    調査結果 3:


    3. 法律の背景 27/156


    3. 法律の背景 27/156



    4. IWGとその機能の概要41/156


    6. 調査結果と政策提言 93/156

    調査結果 3:

    IWG Report2007


    Whatever our successes, any enterprise as ambitious and untested as the one undertaken by the IWG is certain to have its disappointments. Among the disappointed will be those who had hoped for a voluminous release of U.S. records relating to Japanese war crimes.

    My understanding of the depth of feeling surrounding this issue changed dramatically in 2001, when I spoke to a meeting of the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia. The Global Alliance is a federation of organizations and individuals from many different countries who share a single goal: to tell the world about the horrors that took place in Asia in conjunction with the occupation forces of the Japanese Imperial Government.

    Until my conversations during that meeting with many committed individuals from the United States, Canada, China, Korea, the Philippines, Japan, and elsewhere, I did not fully appreciate the concern of millions of survivors and their families, friends, and associates that this story is virtually untold.

    Many people around the world had hoped that the IWG would unearth records that would help them document Japanese atrocities. To these people, I state unequivocally that the IWG was diligent and thorough in its search for relevant records about war crimes in Asia.

    The IWG uncovered and released few Asian theatre records because few such U.S. records remained classified. Unclassified records were not under IWG jurisdiction. To address any concerns that may arise relating to the dearth of documents released under the JIGDA, we refer readers to publications that document the capture, exploitation, and return of Jap , exploitation, and return of Japanese records from World War II.2


    私たちの成功がどうであれ、IWG のような野心的でテストされていない事業は、確実に失望します。


    この問題をめぐる感情の深さについての私の理解は、2001 年にアジアで第二次世界大戦の歴史を保存するためのグローバル アライアンスの会議で話したときに劇的に変わりました。

    グローバル アライアンスは、日本帝国政府の占領軍と協力してアジアで起こった恐怖を世界に伝えるという 1 つの目標を共有する、さまざまな国の組織と個人の連合体です。



    世界中の多くの人々が、IWG が日本の残虐行為を文書化するのに役立つ記録を発掘することを望んでいました。 これらの人々に対して、私は IWG がアジアにおける戦争犯罪に関する関連記録を熱心かつ徹底的に調査したことを明確に述べます。

    IWG は、アジアの劇場の記録をほとんど発見して公開しませんでした。 未分類の記録は IWG の管轄下にありませんでした。

    JIGDA の下で公開された文書の不足に関連して発生する可能性のある懸念に対処するために、私たちは読者にジャップの捕獲、搾取、および返還を文書化した出版物を紹介します。



    xiii NARA archivists attest that the real problem with Japanese documents from World War II is not that they are few in number, but that they are largely underused by researchers. To encourage the full review of these records, the IWG published Researching Japanese War Crimes:

    Introductory Essays. 3 With this volume, we hope to expose the interested public to the breadth of previously declassified or unclassified records within the National Archives that bear on these subjects and that remain to be fully exploited by scholars, journalists, and other researchers. Further, Researching Japanese War Crimes outlines the current level and nature of English and Japanese language scholarship that pertains to the subject of Japanese Imperial Government war crimes. Finally, it discusses the reasons why the volume and specificity of records about Asian war crimes is much smaller than records of Nazi war crimes. The book is accompanied by a searchable CD-ROM of a 1,700-page finding aid to these NARA records, as well as a smaller finding aid to select Japanese War Crimes records. We are confident that records exist that will present in time a very clear picture of the scope and horrors of war crimes in Asia before and during World War II. We very much hope that Researching Japanese War Crimes will spur the research and scholarship necessary to achieve this end. *** The IWG leaves a vast product and several important legacies. These came about only because of our extreme good fortune in bringing together the talent, hard work, and commitment of so many individuals, many of whose names are not even specifically revealed in these pages. Each of those mentioned or unmentioned was a sine qua non to the accomplishments of the IWG. First, we must recognize the extraordinary

    First, we must recognize the extraordinary personal and professional contribution and commitment of Senator Mike DeWine and Member of Congress Carolyn Maloney. They were our congressional champions from day one and throughout our entire existence. They and their most competent and committed staff members were always there for the IWG. On behalf of the American people, we thank you. What can I say about our three public members, Elizabeth Holtzman, Tom Baer, and Richard BenVeniste? Their commitment, their refusal to relent, their forthrightness are unlike anything I have ever experienced elsewhere. I can only hope that in their continuing pursuits they take a moment to step back and take pleasure in the fruits of their labor. Unlike IWG government members, who implemented the acts as an additional part of their regular duties, the three public members selflessly devoted hour upon hour of their lives to understanding the nuances of

    1. Introduction

    In October 1998, President Clinton signed into law the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act (NWCDA), which required the U.S. Government to locate, declassify, and release in their entirety, with few exceptions, remaining classified records about war crimes committed by Nazi Germany and its allies. The act required the President to establish an Interagency Working Group to oversee its implementation. The IWG consists of high-level officials of seven key Executive Branch agencies (who designated representatives), and three public members appointed by the President (see figure 1). The act charged the IWG to "take such actions as necessary to expedite the release of such records to the public" and to report the outcome to Congress. Although the NWCDA covered records related to all of Germany's allies, the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act of 2000 (JIGDA) made explicit the Government's responsibility to open its remaining classified records on Japanese 1. Introduction Figure 1. IWG Participants Chair Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States Public Members Thomas H. Baer, Los Angeles, New York, 1999-2007 Richard Ben-Veniste, Washington, DC, 1999-2007 Elizabeth Holtzman, New York, 1999-2007 Agency Participants Stewart Aly, Office of the Secretary of Defense John Collingwood, Federal Bureau of Investigation David Holmes, Central Intelligence Agency William Leary, National Security Council David Marwell, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Eli Rosenbaum, Department of Justice, Office of Special Investigations William Slany, Department of State war crimes. The JIGDA provided for a fourth public member, who was not appointed. In January 2004, Congress extended the JIGDA for one year to provide additional time for the CIA to comply with the law with respect to both Japanese and Nazi war crimes records. In February 2005, the Congress again extended the act until 2007 at the urging of the IWG public members, who viewed the task as yet unfinished primarily because of the reluctance of the CIA to release all its records on suspect individuals used as intelligence assets during the Cold War.


    The records related to Japanese war crimes required a different sort of interpretive task to account for the relative paucity of records remaining classified and yet to show that a wealth of documentation exists relating to the subject. To address these issues, the IWG published Researching Japanese War Crimes: Introductory Essays. 8 This book was accompanied by a CD containing two finding aids to these records: Japanese War Crimes and Related Topics and Select Documents on Japanese War Crimes. 9

    2. The Nature of War Crimes Records  21/156

    Nazi War Crimes Records In 1943, the Allies established the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC) to investigate war crimes committed by the Axis powers and to advise the Allied governments on the legal processes for bringing war criminals to justice. To assist the UNWCC and Allied governments in finding suspected war criminals in Europe, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force established a Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects (CROWCASS) in the spring of 1945. CROWCASS collected information on individuals wanted on war crimes charges, and it published lists of suspects for use by the UNWCC and Allied countries. In its three years of operation, CROWCASS issued or processed over 200,000 reports on suspects 2. The Nature of War Crimes Records 10. United Nations War Crimes Commission, History of the UNWCC and the Development of the Laws of War (London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1948), 379. UNWCC records are held by the United Nations in New York and are not subject to the Disclosure Acts, but Commission records appear throughout U.S. holdings of war crimes and diplomatic records. The United Nations opened its UNWCC files to researchers in 1987 in the wake of disclosure that one UNWCC file pertained to former UN Secretary Kurt Waldheim. 11. Ian Sayer and Douglass Botting, America's Secret Army (London: Grafton Books, 1989), 294. IWG Final Report to Congress for use by investigators, and it published voluminous lists of people sought for crimes against humanity.10 The U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) bore the greatest responsibility for identifying and apprehending these suspects in the U.S. occupation zones. The Army CIC captured some 120,000 Germans listed for automatic arrest, including SS, Gestapo, and Nazi Party leaders.11 Immediately at the end of World War II in Germany, the Allies established the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg, which rendered its judgment on 21 top officials and six organizations of the Third Reich on October 1, 1946. The United States later tried 177 major criminals in subsequent proceedings at Nuremberg. In addition, the fourpower Control Council for Germany authorized each of the Allied powers to hold trials in its zone of occupation. The United States tried 1,700 German and other Axis nationals at Dachau for concentration camp crimes, and it extradited numerous suspects to

    Japanese War Crimes Records23/156

    Japanese War Crimes Records As with the Nazi trials, each of the Japanese war crimes trials occasioned the collection and preparation of large bodies of records. Prosecutors combed captured and American records, secured affidavits and statements, and produced court submissions and background materials that resulted in a significant and voluminous war crimes archive. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (known as the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal) began in May 1946. There were 28 Class A defendants from a cross-section of senior Japanese officials, including generals, admirals, career diplomats, and bureaucrats. Most prominent among them were Hideki Tojo, Prime Minister of Japan through most of the war, and wartime foreign ministers Koki Hirota (a former premier), Mamoru Shigemitsu, and Shigenori Togo. Class A defendants were charged with three categories of offenses: conspiracy to commit aggression, aggression, and conventional war crimes. The prosecution produced more than 400 witnesses, almost 800 witness affidavits, and more than 4,000 other documents.14 Additional tribunals that sat outside of Tokyo judged over 5,500 individuals in more than 2,200 trials. These Class B and C war criminals were charged with committing atrocities during battle, during occupation, or against prisoners of war. Some of these trials were held in Yokohama and others were convened throughout the former theater of war.15 General MacArthur's hastily organized trials in Manila, the first war crimes trials in the Far East, found Japanese generals Tomoyuki Yamashita and Masaharu Homma guilty, and both were executed. In Shanghai, American tribunals were also held for Japanese soldiers who participated in the trial and execution of American pilots under the "Enemy Airmen's Act," promulgated by the Japanese after the Doolittle raid on Japan in April 1942, as well as for personnel at POW camps in China who abused prisoners. The U.S. Navy held trials for war crimes committed in the Pacific. Many of these proceedings involved close cooperation with British, Australian, and Dutch authorities. Once the trial records had served their administrative and legal purposes, they were transferred to the National Archives.16 The records of other nations' war crimes trials are

    The records of other nations' war crimes trials are not subject to the Disclosure Acts because they were never in the possession of the U.S. Government. For instance, the Nationalist Chinese Government's trials


    of Japanese war criminals held in Nanjing did not result in American records despite the heinousness and notoriety of the war crimes committed there by the Japanese. In its canvass of records possibly useful for war crimes information, the IWG looked closely at the history and disposition of a large body of captured Japanese records. The IWG was concerned that valuable war crimes information may have been lost with the return of the records to Japan in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Many captured Japanese records were used in court exhibits and otherwise integrated into the war crimes records in the United States. Army Judge Advocate General records relating to the Far East trials consist of more than 400,000 pages. Most of these records were never security classified, and those that were had been declassified by 1982. Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP) Legal Section records involving war crimes trials throughout the Pacific region comprise some 1.5 million pages of documentation and include many captured Japanese records. Most of these records were also never security classified, and the rest were declassified by 1982. In addition, the military had collected and shipped to the United States for intelligence exploitation over 7,000 cubic feet of captured records that eventually came under the control of the CIA. After the CIA and other interested agencies finished exploiting these records, they were returned to Japan beginning in 1958. The return was consistent with international practice and carried out in the name of normalization of diplomatic relations. The IWG staff inquired closely into the matter to determine whether war crimes records had indeed been returned. The staff found

    no evidence that the records were war-crimes related; instead, they consisted largely of diplomatic records from the 1920s and earlier, technical records related to military matters, and naval oceanographic

    The National Archives staff produced three documents concerning declassified Japanese war crimes documents. The first is a 1,700-page archival guide, or finding aid, to Japanese World War II war crimes records in NARA holdings, including newly released records. The second is a finding aid focused on Japanese biological warfare. The third, Researching Japanese War Crimes: Introductory Essays, is a book undertaken in response to concern about the alleged loss of war crimes information and the underuse of available documentation. It addresses starting points for engaging in war crimes research and also contains the first full explanation of how captured documents were thoroughly exploited for military and intelligence uses as well as their use for war crimes investigations.17 The third, Researching Japanese War Crimes: Introductory Essays, is a book undertaken in response to concern about the alleged loss of war crimes information and the underuse of available documentation. It addresses starting points for engaging in war crimes research and also contains the first full explanation of how captured documents were thoroughly exploited for military and intelligence uses as well as their use for war crimes investigations.17

    Intelligence Records and Foreign Government Information By 1998, when the f 24/156 Compared with the number of remaining classified records related to Germany, there were far fewer still-classified records about Japan for two reasons. First, the U.S. military-not the OSS-had greater control of most of the Pacific Theater records and could release these documents to the public with more ease than the OSS, which had to consider relationships with foreign governments and intelligence agency policies. As a result, most of these Japan-related records, including wartime intelligence records, were routinely declassified in the 1970s and 1980s by the Army, Navy, and other Department of Defense entities in the course of their regular review programs. Second, there were few still-classified postwar records relating to Japanese war criminals because there was not a continuing hunt for Japanese perpetrators as there was for Nazis, so the CIC, CIA, and FBI did not create dossiers on large numbers of Japanese individuals as possible intelligence assets, suspected spies, or as prospective immigrants. Therefore, by the time the IWG began its work, there were relatively few postwar records related to Japanese war criminals that remained classified. This leaves aside the cases of former Japanese war criminals who, after being convicted and serving their sentences, went on to become high government officials. Releasing these files was problematic for the intelligence agencies, but, finally, was a notab was a notable success for the IWG.  25/156

    3. Background of the Acts  27/156

    Japan Under Scrutiny


    Public interest in Japanese war crimes arose intermittently in the postwar period as the stories of victims received public notice as a result of historical and popular studies and media attention. Books such as the late Sheldon Harris' 1994 Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare 1932-1945 and the American Cover-up and the late Iris Chang's 1997 best seller, The Rape of Nanking, helped give the subject visibility.44 The earliest groups to receive attention were American POWs and civilian internees who made claims under the War Claims Act after its passage in 1948. However, mistreated POWs, sex slaves (the so-called "comfort women"), civilian internees, and forced laborers remained dissatisfied with the extent of compensation-if any-for their suffering.

    3. 法律の背景 27/156





    故シェルドン・ハリスの 1994 年の死の工場: 日本の生物戦争 1932-1945 やアメリカの隠蔽工作、

    故アイリス・チャンの 1997 年のベストセラー『南京のレイプ』などの本は、この主題を可視化するのに役立った.44 注目を集めたのは、1948 年に戦争請求法が可決された後、

    戦争請求法に基づいて請求を行ったアメリカ人捕虜と民間人抑留者でした。 彼らの苦しみに対する補償の範囲(もしあれば)。

    Even more of an irritant to these groups, however, has been the failure of the Japanese Government to apologize fully for its wartime behavior with regard to acts of cruelty such as harsh forced labor, conditions aboard the POW transports known as "hell ships," and the criminal brutality of the Bataan Death March. Victims have repeatedly called for redress, citing as precedent settlements in the late 1990s between victims of Nazi looting and the German Government and Swiss banks. In the 1990s, no fewer than 16 measures dealing with Japanese war crimes were introduced in the Congress in attempts to secure some sort of redress for victims.





    被害者は、1990 年代後半にナチスの略奪の被害者とドイツ政府およびスイスの銀行との間で和解が成立したことを前例として挙げ、繰り返し救済を求めてきました。 1990 年代には、被害者への何らかの補償を確保するために、日本の戦争犯罪に対処する 16 以上の措置が議会に導入されました。

    45 For instance, in 1997 a joint resolution was introduced in Congress that expressed a number of groups' frustration with the stance of the United States and Japanese governments with respect to Japanese accountability for war crimes committed by Imperial Japan. House Concurrent Resolution 126 sought to express the sense of Congress concerning war crimes committed by the Japanese military during World War II. After listing particular offenses, characterized as "atrocious crimes against humanity," the resolution called on Japan to (1) formally issue a clear and unambiguous apology for the atrocious war crimes committed by the Japanese military during World War II; and (2) immediately pay reparations to the victims of those crimes, including United States military and civilian prisoners of war, people of Guam who were subjected to violence and imprisonment, survivors of the "Rape of Nanjing" from December, 1937, until February, 1938, and the women who were forced into sexual slavery and known "Rape of Nanjing" from December, 1937, until February, 1938, and the women who were forced into sexual slavery and known by the Japanese military as "comfort women.

    36/156 右側

    (1) 第二次世界大戦中に日本軍が犯した残虐な戦争犯罪に対して、明確かつ明確な謝罪を正式に行うこと。

    と (2) 1937 年 12 月から 2 月までの「南京強姦」の生存者、



    1937 年 12 月から 1938 年 2 月までの「南京強姦」と

    "46 Although not passed, the resolution recognized the longstanding frustration of victims and registered dissatisfaction with the Government's position that American lawsuits against Japan and Japanese companies over war crimes were precluded by the 1951 Peace Treaty between the United States and Japan, despite side agreements providing Americans with treatment comparable to that of compensated victims in other countries. The movement to call Japan to account stemmed in part from dissatisfaction with perceived postwar leniency toward Japan and Japanese war criminals, a leniency that was part of the effort to get that country firmly in the American camp during the Cold War. By February 2000, more than a dozen class- 37/156 action lawsuits had been filed in the United States against Japanese corporations by former Allied prisoners of war, civilian internees, and Asian slave laborers. Additional suits were filed and in preparation for Japanese courts seeking redress for "comfort women," slave laborers, and other victims of Japanese crimes, all of whom demanded a Japanese apology and compensation from Japanese courts. The Simon Wiesenthal Center lobbied Attorney General Janet Reno and the Pentagon for the release of U.S. documents concerning amnesties granted to Japanese war criminals, including amnesties granted to supervisors of Japan's biological and chemical warfare program in exchange for the data obtained from experiments conducted on humans in the infamous Unit 731, Japan's biological warfare unit. Passage of the Statutes The Senate concurred and President Clinton signed the act into law on October 19, 1996. 39/156 on December 27, 2000, President Clinton provided his understanding that Japanese war crimes-related records already being processed for disclosure under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act would continue to be processed under that act: 39/156 Because of the paucity of remaining classified Japanese war crimes records and the fact that Japanese war crimes-related classified records were already being processed under the NWCDA, the IWG recognized no difference in the treatment of records under the combined acts. In January 2004, Congress extended the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act for one year, until March 2005, and again in February 2005 until March 2007. Both extensions were urged by the IWG public members, who determined that the CIA needed additional time to comply with the law with respect to both Japanese and Nazi war crimes records. The JIGDA was extended, rather than the NWCDA, because the Nazi War Crimes Act had expired in 2002 and all subsequent search and declassification activities, for both the Pacific and European Theaters, were being carried out under the JIGDA.

    4. Overview of the IWG and its Functions    41/156


    particular attention to locating any records related to topics of great interest to the public and to historians, particularly materials related to Japanese treatment of prisoners of war and civilian internees, including any materials related to forced or slave labor; persecution of and atrocities against civilian populations; development and use of chemical and biological warfare agents, especially the work of General Ishii, medical experimentation on humans, and Unit 731 ; the so-called "comfort women" program-the Japanese systematic enslavement of women of subject populations for sexual purposes

    4. IWGとその機能の概要41/156






    化学兵器および生物兵器の開発と使用、特に石井将軍の研究、人間に対する医学実験、 そして731部隊

    ; いわゆる「慰安婦」プログラム - 日本が性的目的のために対象集団の女性を組織的に奴隷化すること

    ; and the U.S. Government decision after the war not to prosecute the Emperor and certain war criminals. The IWG enjoined agencies to conduct their surveys with the intention of discovering and eventually declassifying as many documents as possible, not merely those that were indisputably required by a narrow interpretation of the law. Search Tools To help agencies ful 47/156 After the attacks of September 11, 2001, law enforcement, intelligence, foreign affairs, and military agencies shifted resources to the war on terrorism and away from implementation of the Disclosure Acts. From the universe of 620 million pages, agencies identified a total of 113 million pages that merited screening for possible relevance. From these, more than 8.5 million pages were identified as containing relevant material and warranting declassification review under the acts. A very large majority was related to Nazi war crimes or war crimes in Europe; only 142,000 pages were related to Japanese war crimes. Making Documents Publicly Accessible  56/156 The primary finding aid that was developed as a result of the JIGDA, which covers both newly declassified and previously open Japanese war crimes records, is 1,700 pages, yet it cannot be considered exhaustive: no guide to voluminous archival records can be considered to have identified all information on a subject. Another finding aid that focuses on records relating to Japanese biological warfare was also created. Numerous lists, guides, databases, and other finding aids exist for the German-related records, a 57/156 As of March 2007, much of this work is yet to be done. The Archivist of the United States will continue to work with other executive branch agencies to ensure ongoing disclosure of records relevant to the issues of Costs Direct costs for the IWG totaled over $12 million for its lifetime (see table 1). Individual agency costs, estimated to be $17 million, are discussed in chapter 4. Japanese Records 62/156 Since the U.S. military services were the primary agent in the Pacific and Asia during and immediately after the war, OSS and CIA documentation on Japanese war crimes is relatively small. The CIA conducted its searches for Japanese materials in 2001 initially using the 66-page IWG keyword list. It screened approximately 300,000 pages. The CIA declassified and released four Japanese name files and three Japanese subject files, totaling 782 pages. While the IWG had never expected any agency's search to yield as many Japanese-related files as German ones, it nevertheless expected the CIA's search to produce files on individuals of particular interest, who were prominent in the postwar era. The IWG therefore asked the agency to search for documents related to 45 individuals likely to be in its files. These requests concerned individuals who were suspects or convicted war criminals and who later became important leaders in Japanese government, politics, and industry. The IWG assumed that while such postwar files would likely not contain specific war crimes information, they would report on any activities of these former war criminals with U.S. government officials in Japan. The CIA requested that the IWG provide available biographic information (e.g., dateof-birth) on the 45 named individuals to assist in searching their record systems and identifying documents. The IWG staff provided this information in 2003 and the CIA conducted the requisite searches. The CIA delivered an additional seventeen files on prominent Japanese war criminals and suspects in 2005. The files, which are not voluminous and contain notable time gaps between documents, reflect the information available for collection at the time. The CIA has assured the IWG that if any additional material is located, it will be declassified and to NARA. 66/156 February 2005: A Turning Point The Disclosure Acts were extended twice, primarily to persuade the CIA to follow a release policy more aligned with IWG guidance and the implementation practices of other major agencies. In January 2004, Japanese Documents 69/156 The few Army files responsive to the JIGDA were among those that had already been transferred to the National Archives and declassified. The search and review of remaining records took only two weeks. However, a major item of Congressional inquiry remains outstanding and only partially answered by the Army and the Department of Defense. When Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced the act in the Senate, she included in the record portions of a correspondence from Professor Sheldon Harris, the author of Factories of Death, the well-regarded account of Japan's development and use of biological warfare agents, including human experimentation.80 In his letter, Professor Harris recounted his frustration in attempting to gain access to materials at Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah, and Fort Detrick, Maryland, related to medical war crimes. He alleged that at least some of the documentation was subsequently moved or destroyed. The IWG asked the Army and DOD on several occasions to respond to Professor Harris's charges by producing the records in question or by giving an account of their disposition for inclusion in this record. Despite repeated requests between 2001- 2006, the IWG was not provided contact with Army's records managers for Ft. Detrick, nor did Army provide the IWG with a detailed accounting of the transfer, disposal, or destruction of its Japanese biological warfare records sent to Ft. Detrick during the two decades following World War II. The Army did notify the IWG that reference files maintained by its Public Affairs office had been disposed of after Harris' visit and that other open files had been returned to Dugway Proving Grounds. The IWG has received a statement by the Army that it "…did perform several informal inquiries into the matter and found no corroboration of Professor Harris' allegations." Following renewed requests for additional searches, the Army notified the IWG that their searches "uncovered no evidence in support of the charge that documents related to Japanese biological warfare experiments were destroyed at Ft. Detrick. The Army concluded that all permanent records related to Japanese biological warfare experiments were transferred to NARA." (The IWG had to make a formal request to Dugway for electronic copies for its records, as the originals had been sent to the Library of Congress.) Army Compliance with th

    6. Findings and Policy Recommendations   93/156

    The Disclosure Acts cost the American people approximately $30 million, or about $3.50 per page, to locate, declassify, and open government records that were largely over 50 years old.88 Was it worth it? I

    Openness itself is not in question. As seen in chapter 3 of this report, lack of openness was a major impetus behind the Disclosure Acts. Congressional dissatisfaction with the responsiveness of U.S. intelligence agencies to questions about their use of Nazi war criminals in postwar intelligence work, and public dissatisfaction with the lack of aggressiveness in prosecuting Japanese war criminals and holding Japan accountable roused suspicion that government cannot be trusted to tell the truth even about events well over a half century past. Some even charge that there is a concerted cover-up in progress. The IWG believes that openness to the maximum extent consistent with national security will ameliorate such suspicions.

    6. Findings and Policy Recommendations   93/156

    Finding 3:


    Finally, the IWG had great success in part because the acts pertained to Nazis, the Holocaust, and Japanese mistreatment of American POWs.

    6. 調査結果と政策提言 93/156

    調査結果 3:


    最後に、IWG が大きな成功を収めた理由の 1 つは、行為がナチス、ホロコースト、


    The Disclosure Acts, (like the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act), touched on topics that spur significant public activism, which agencies do not want turned against them.

    Appendix 3